
Flu Vaccine 2020

Influenza Vaccine Composition 2020 – Southern Hemisphere/Australia The formulation of influenza vaccines for use in Australia is determined each year by the Australian Influenza Vaccine Committee (AIVC) based on information and recommendations from the World Health Organization (WHO). A meeting of the AIVC was held on 9th October 2019 where the expert committee reviewed and … Read more

2019 Flu Season update

It’s a bad year for flu, but it’s too early to call it the worst ever – 5 charts on the 2019 season so far The impact of the flu on a population can be measured by looking at figures including cases, hospitalisations and deaths. From Ian Barr, WHO Collaborating Centre for Reference and … Read more

2019 Statement from The Immunisation Coalition on Flu Vaccination

Statement – 16 March 2019 The Immunisation Coalition (IC) recommends influenza vaccination as the safest way to protect the public against influenza. Influenza vaccine is funded as part of the National Immunisation Program (NIP) for at risk groups, including people 65 and over, pregnant women, and people with chronic medical conditions. The IC concurs with … Read more

Vaccines have health effects beyond protecting against target diseases

Child ready to receive measles vaccine, Bissau, Guinea-Bissau. Christine Stabell Benn, Author provided Christine Stabell Benn, University of Southern Denmark A measles vaccine protects against measles infection. By introducing a bit of weakened virus, the immune system learns how to deal with it, so when a real measles virus comes along, it can eliminate it. … Read more